How We Generated $123,039 in Revenue for a Software Company in One Quarter

Example responses we were getting for our clients

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The Problem

Our client, a software company, was facing difficulties growing their revenue. They weren’t generating enough quality leads, and their outreach efforts were inconsistent. They were spending thousands of dollars on labor & lead lists and getting nowhere. Their salespeople were tired, burnt out, and ineffective.

Myth: sales requires a ton of time

In reality, 90% of the sales cycle needs little to no human labor. By restricting sales time to a small set of tasks, you can multiply ROI.

Myth 2 : cold outreach is dead

In reality, good outreach has never been more effective. Poor quality spam services have flooded the market, so with a dash of personalization and the right targeting, you cut through the noise instantly.

Our Solution

We took a simple but effective approach to solve their problem. Instead of targeting people based on their job titles or demographics (personas), we focused on the pain points their potential clients were facing. We realized that many HR managers and business owners were struggling to find the right candidates quickly, leading to slow hiring processes and lost productivity.

Here’s how we did it:

  1. Targeting by Pain Points: We created outbound messages that spoke directly to the frustrations their potential clients were facing—like the struggle to find qualified talent and how slow hiring impacts business growth.
  2. Scalable Outreach System: We built an automated email outreach system that sent personalized messages at scale, allowing us to contact a large number of prospects while still making each message feel personal and relevant.
  3. Refining the Campaigns: We tracked the performance of our campaigns, continuously improving the messaging and targeting based on the responses we received. This helped us engage with the right people and increase response rates.